My Travel Path

My Travel Path

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

April 30, 2013 - EBC Trek Day 7 - Dingbuche to Lobuche

April 30, 2013 - EBC Trek Day 7 - Dingbuche to Lobuche

Same ol' breakfast!

The Diamex I have been taking to prevent altitude sickness makes my fingers, feet, and face tingly.  From what I hear that's a pretty common side effect so I'm not tooooo worried at the moment.

The trek up today will gain about 500m.  It started with a steep climb for about 30 min, then it was gradual for an hour, another 1 hour steep climb, followed by a final gradual climb.

If you look really closely you can see a climber on this mountain.  He is towards the bottom left and side!

I was so happy to see this sign!

Along the way there was an area covered in memorials for folks that have died while summiting Mount Everest.  There were so many and lots of folks about my age.  We also crossed over a glacier!

I had the delicious Sherpa Stew again for lunch and said goodbye to my Colombian friends.  They continued on to Gorek Shep.

Today, Martha told me it looked like my pack wasnt fitted right.  At lunch she helped me fix it.  Hopefully, that will make the hiking tomorrow a little less painful.  My hips were killing me on the steep uphills today.

Ugh, I came down with a headache in the afternoon.  A real good one.  I took an ibuprofen and a nap to try and shake it but I think its a sign of some minor altitude issues. Im trying to ignore it, Im so close to the goal now. I would hate to have to turn back.

It was more cards with the Australians tonight then an early bed time.  Im a bit embarrassed to say how many times I have gone to bed at 7:30 or 8pm.  But its dark and the days are tough and well there is less air and I have less energy.

I slept so warm too! I had my sleeping bag and a nice big cozy blanket.

What I have learned:  I am a sucker for cliff hanger book.  I now HAVE to get the 2nd Game of Thrones book and read it.  I might need to get a kindle to make all this reading easier.  


  1. I can recommend the B&N Nook also! I use it all the time in Copenhagen and it is great for traveling. I just finished a 1400 page book and it was soo light on the Nook. Enjoy and good luck!

    1. Thanks for the tip Laura! Ill def have to do some research before I commit to an e-reader. Thanks for keeping up with my blog as well! I hope everything in Copenhagen is great for you.
