My Travel Path

My Travel Path

Sunday, May 19, 2013

April 27, 2013 - EBC Trek Day 4 - Namche to Debuche

April 27, 2013 - EBC Trek Day 4 - Namche to Debuche

Breakfast of banana porridge (or oatmeal to Americans) with coffee and Ibuprofen.  On the trail by 8.

The beginning of the hike was great after my muscles warmed up. It was all gradual ups and downs with pines and rhododendrons.

At 11 we stopped for lunch (spaghetti).

  Then....then it was alllll uphill to Tengbuche (Pronounced teng-boo-che).  Here we visited the Buddhist Monastery.  I say we, because its today that I have met and been trekking along with a pleasant Colombian couple, Magin and Martha.  At 3 we filed in and listened and watched the monks pray in the Tibetan language for 30 minutes.

Oh, I also saw my first Yak!  I kept asking Phurba is the furry cows were yaks and he kept telling me they were still Jopkey.  He pointed out a real yak in Tengbuche!

WE finished the day with a 10-15 minute walk down to Debuche were we stayed at "Rivendell" for the night.  And dinner of pizza and milk tea.  I also taught Magin and Martha Phase 10 and we played cards for a while.

What I have learned: Nak is the female yak.  Dont ask for yak cheese, ask for nak cheese.


  1. Happy to hear you finally have some trekking companions!! I couldn't imagine doing it all by myself with only the guide.

  2. Me too! It would have been a much longer hike without friends. I like friends! hehe.
