My Travel Path

My Travel Path

Sunday, October 13, 2013

October 6, 2013 - Tango in Buenos Aires

 October 6, 2013 - Buenoes Aires and Tango

We started out the day on a city tour.  But after an hour of just sitting on a bus picking up people and not seeing or understanding any of the tour guides english we opted to do our own city tour.  We left the bus and found ourselves in the midst of the huge Sunday market.  We walked the full length of the market and then around town to some sights.

Then we took a cab to the Caminita de la Boca neighborhood for lunch and a some sightseeing. 

We returned to the hostel to get ready for our Tango lesson and show.  We were supposed to be picked up at 6:45pm.  Well, 6:45 came and went and after asking the staff a couple of times one of them finally called.  Turns out they didnt have our reservation so we got left behind.  I was a little sad to have missed the lessons but we still had time to catch a cab to the dinner and show.  And the hostel even paid us back for the cab ride for the mistake.  

Once we arrived at Sabor a Tango we got a photograph with the dancers and then tried some Dulce de leche.  We still had some time to kill before they opened up the show room for dinner.  We waited around in the bar lounge and soon after they opened up the show room.  Our ticket said table 70 but we are pretty sure the guy bumped us up to the fourth row and right in the middle because he loved us.  haha.  I asked him if table 70 was a good table (in my horrible spanish) and he said it was in the very back.  I gave him a sad face and then he told me I had beautiful eyes.  He then said something to the guy seating us and we walked right up to a table near the front! Awesome!  The show included dinner and desert and all wine you could drink.  I had a fish filet and the flan with dulce de leche.  And the show was great.  It wasnt just Tango, but also singing, a couple of Guacho performances with drums and ropes.  Good mixture overall.  Though I was mostly impressed with the dancing talent!  We also talked quite a bit with the couple next to us.  2 Brazilians living in Australia. 
After the show, the same guy that said I had beautiful eyes kissed my hand and told me he loved me.  I told him those were palabras grandes (big words) and that got a laugh out of him.  

Despite missing the lessons the show and dinner with epic fun! 

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