My Travel Path

My Travel Path

Thursday, November 21, 2013

November 20 - 21, 2013 - Valparaiso, Chile

November 20-21, 2013 - Valparaiso, Chile

Free walking tour! The folks at did a great job at introducing me to the city.  We visited several different locations, they took us on the old trams running through town and we even got a little farewell drink along with lots of information and suggestions on things to do.

This city is known for its street art.

Local dish known as Chorillana.

Boat tour!

There is a trapeze and aerial ropes in the hostel.

I went out last night with some folks from the hostel.  I went to pet one of the street dogs and fell right on my face.  Now I have a huge goose egg and a scrape on my forehead and a slightly swollen eye.  It's REAL cute.

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