My Travel Path

My Travel Path

Sunday, June 9, 2013

June 1 - 4, 2013 - Budapest, Hungary

June 1 - 4, 2013 - Budapest Hungary

June 1:
Long bus ride from Krakow to Budapest.  I immediately meet 6 people from the hostel that were planning on going out.  So I joined them.  I returned when I start to see daylight! Here, that's about 4:30am.

June 2:
As you can imagine I sleep in.  I do manage to make it to the 2:30pm free walking tour.  See the pics!

Afterwards, so of the tour group go together to have "the best" goulash in town.  Hungary is known for its tasty goulash stew.  I hearty beef stew with veggies usually served with some sort of bread.  Yum!

June 3:
I must be getting tired.  That or the cold rainy weather is getting to me! I had yet another lazy day.  I only ventured out for lunch at a cafe.

June 4:
I did my own wandering around town.  Visited the park, the rock hospital, the oldest bakery in town (had a cream cake),  the castle (again), the Great synagogue,  and went on a night wine cruise along the Danube river.

The rock hospital was quite cool.  The natural caves under the castle were transformed into a hospital and used during WWII.  Later, during communist rule, parts of the cave we turned into a nuclear bunker.  The hospital was public knowledge, but they managed to keep the bunker part of it a secret for many many years.  To refill the gas tanks they even went as far as to divide the water trunks that watered the flowers into two sections.  one with water and one with fuel so that the truck would look like it was just watering the flowers.

The river is getting really high! I hear its already flooding in Prague.

Stairs from the castle to the rock hospital.

Old school ambulance.

Hahahaha, the gift shop was selling viruses.

Luckily, they were the plush toy variety.

Parliment building from the castle.

 Grand Synagogue

And the cruise on the river was amazing.  Everything was lit up beautifully!

What I have learned:
The Hungarians are descendants of the Huns, as in Attila the Hun.  They have Asian origins!

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